Fighting for the good life…
for everyone.

About Cindy Kai

Cindy Kai was born into a third-generation farming family in Wayne County, where she attended county elementary school and Wakefield High School. She later attended Midland University (formerly Midland Lutheran College) in Fremont, before moving to Chicago to earn her undergraduate degree in nursing and a masters degree in Nurse Midwifery.

It was in Chicago where she met her husband, Bob, a now-retired Teamster. Upon Bob’s retirement from UPS in 1998, the family moved home to Nebraska, eventually purchasing an acreage in rural Thurston County, where they currently reside.

Cindy spent more than 28 years working as a nurse, including as a registered nurse at Wakefield Health Care Center and the Pender Care Center. She served as the Pender Public Schools nurse for three years, and as an occupational health nurse at St. Luke’s Hospital in Sioux City.

As passionate as she is about healthcare, Cindy is equally dedicated to preserving election integrity and accessibility. She was appointed as a Thurston County Election Clerk and Election Judge for the Flournoy/Merry Precinct, where she served for 10 years. Cindy also served as the Thurston County representative to the Northeast Power Charitable Board for six years.

She and Bob own Kai-Rainer Rentals LLC, a Wayne-based small business that manages residential rental properties.

My priorities

  • As a nurse for close to 30 years, I know the importance of high-quality, comprehensive healthcare that’s close to home, in particular for rural communities. Our senators must prioritize legislation that helps strengthen rural healthcare offerings and reduces barriers to healthcare for Nebraskans.

  • I firmly believe in keeping taxpayer dollars in public schools. While I believe in being efficient with our funding, I will actively oppose legislation that strips needed resources from public schools, or bills that seek to prioritize urban school systems on the backs of our rural school districts.

  • We must find sensible and practical ways to reduce our property tax burden without sacrificing important services or nickel and diming hard working Nebraskans and small business owners.

Contact Cindy

I’m running to serve all residents of District 17. I want to hear about the issues that matter to you. Use the form to send me a message, or email me directly at